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Preparing your Jobs

Any job you want to add to a workflow needs to implement WorkflowableJob.


namespace App\Jobs;

use Sassnowski\Venture\WorkflowableJob;

class MyJob implements WorkflowableJob

This interface defines quite a few methods that Venture uses internally to configure your jobs. If you are interested in the specifics, you can check out the interface on GitHub.

Luckily, Venture also comes with a handy WorkflowStep trait which automatically implements this interface for you.


namespace App\Jobs;

use Sassnowski\Venture\WorkflowStep;
use Sassnowski\Venture\WorkflowableJob;

class MyJob implements WorkflowableJob
    use WorkflowStep;

This trait automatically includes Laravel’s Queueable trait behind the scenes. So if you’ve previously added the Queuable trait to your jobs manually, you can safely remove it.


namespace App\Jobs;

- use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Sassnowski\Venture\WorkflowStep;
use Sassnowski\Venture\WorkflowableJob;

class MyJob implements WorkflowableJob
    use WorkflowStep;
-   use Queueable;

That's it. Your job is now able to be used inside a workflow. Venture will now automatically keep track of this job’s dependencies as well as the jobs that depend on it.

All the other configuration options that you are used to from Laravel’s jobs still work the same, even if you use the job inside a workflow. You can also still dispatch this job on its own without adding it to a workflow first.

Released under the MIT License.