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Customizing Model States

Venture allows you to change the state transitioning behavior of your workflows and jobs. This gives you full control over extending Venture in ways that wouldn’t be possible with regular plugins.

With great power comes great responsibility

This is an escape hatch that most applications won’t ever need. By changing how and when workflows and jobs transition their states, you are now responsible for maintaining sensible and consistent states. Use at your own risk.

Model states

The Workflow and WorkflowJob models delegate to a state object to compute their respective states. These state objects are represented by the interfaces WorkflowState and WorkflowJobState, respectively.

The WorkflowState interface

interface WorkflowState
    public function markJobAsFinished(WorkflowableJob $job): void;

    public function markJobAsFailed(WorkflowableJob $job, Throwable $exception): void;

    public function allJobsHaveFinished(): bool;

    public function isFinished(): bool;

    public function markAsFinished(): void;

    public function isCancelled(): bool;

    public function markAsCancelled(): void;

    public function remainingJobs(): int;

    public function hasRan(): bool;

Below is a list of all methods that need to be implemented along with a description of what they do and Venture’s default behavior.


This method is called every time a job inside a workflow was processed successfully.

Default behavior

  • Add the job’s id to the workflow’s finished_jobs array
  • Increment the jobs_processed field on the workflow
  • Mark the job itself as finished by calling the job state’s markAsFinished method.


This method is called every time an exception occurred while processing a job.

Default behavior

  • Increment the workflow’s jobs_failed field
  • Mark the job itself as failed by calling the job state’s markAsFailed method with the exception


This method is used to check if all jobs of the workflow have been processed successfully.

Default behavior

  • Check that the workflow’s job_count field equals the workflow’s jobs_processed field


This method checks if the workflow itself has finished successfully. Note that this is different from allJobsHaveFinished which only checks that all jobs inside the workflow have finished successfully.

Default behavior

  • Check if the finished_at timestamp of the workflow is not null


This method marks the workflow as finished. After this method was called, isFinished must return true.

Default behavior

  • Set the finished_at timestamp of the workflow to the current time


This method checks if the workflow has been cancelled.

Default behavior

  • Check if the cancelled_at timestamp of the workflow is not null


This method marks the workflow as cancelled. After this method was called, isCancelled must return true. This method should be idempodent, meaning it should be possible to safely call it multiple times for the same workflow.

Default behavior

  • Set the cancelled_at timestamp of the workflow to the current time if it isn’t set already


This method returns the number of jobs that have not been processed successfully yet.

Default behavior

  • Return $workflow->job_count - $workflow->jobs_processed


This method checks if all jobs of the workflow have been run, regardless of success or failure of the job.

Default behavior

  • Return $workflow->jobs_processed + $workflow->jobs_failed === $workflow->job_count

The WorkflowJobState interface

interface WorkflowJobState
    public function hasFinished(): bool;

    public function markAsFinished(): void;

    public function hasFailed(): bool;

    public function markAsFailed(Throwable $exception): void;

    public function isProcessing(): bool;

    public function markAsProcessing(): void;

    public function isPending(): bool;

    public function isGated(): bool;

    public function markAsGated(): void;

    public function transition(): void;

    public function canRun(): bool;

Below is a list of all methods that need to be implemented along with a description of what they do and Venture’s default behavior.


This method checks if the job has been processed successfully.

Default behavior

  • Check if the finished_at timestamp of the job is not null


This method is called whenever a job has been processed successfully. After this method was called, hasFinished must return true and hasFailed, isProcessing, isPending, and isGated must return false.

Default behavior

  • Set the finished_at timestamp of the job to the current time
  • Set the exception field of the job to null in case the job hadfailed previously
  • Set the failed_at field of the job to null in case the job had failed previously


This method checks if the most recent run of the job was unsuccessful.

Default behavior

  • Check that hasFinished is false
  • Check if the failed_at timestamp of the job is not null


This method marks the job as failed. After this method was called, hasFailed must return true and hasFinished, isProcessing, isPending, and isGated must return false.

Default behavior

  • Set the failed_at timestamp of the job to the current time
  • Save the exception to the exception field of the job


This method checks if the job has been picked up by a worker and is currently being processed. If this method is true, all other methods checking the job’s state must return false.

Default behavior

  • Check that the job has not finished yet by calling hasFinished
  • Check that the job has not failed yet by calling hasFailed
  • Check that the started_at field of the job is null


This method checks marks the job as currently being processed by a worker. After this method was called, isProcessing must return true and all other methods checking the job’s state must return false.

Default behavior

  • Set the finished_at field of the job to null
  • Set the failed_at field of the job to null
  • Set the exception field of the job to null
  • Set the started_at timestamp of the job to the current time


This method checks if the job has not run yet. Note that this does not mean that the job can actually run as it might still have unfinished dependencies.

Default behavior

  • Check that the job is not currently being processed by calling isProcessing
  • Check that the job has not failed by calling hasFailed
  • Check that the job has not been successfully processed yet by calling hasFinished


This method checks if the job is gated and waiting to be started manually. If this method returns true, all dependencies of the job must have been processed successfully.

Default behavior

  • Check that job is a gated job by checking if the gated field of the job is true
  • Check that job has not been processed successfully by calling hasFinished
  • Check that job has not failed by calling hasFailed
  • Check that the job is not currently being processed by calling isProcessing
  • Check that the gated_at field of the job is not null


This method marks the job as gated. After this method was called, isGated must return true. This method should throw an exception if the job is not a gated job.

Default behavior

  • Throw an exception if the gated field of the job is not true
  • Set the gated_at field of the job to the current time


This method is called on all jobs that are about to be dispatched by the JobDispatcher component. The main purpose is to transition a job to a different state based on the current state of the workflow before the job gets dispatched.

Venture uses this to prevent gated jobs from actually being dispatched by marking them as gated if their dependencies have been processed successfully.

Default behavior

  • Mark the job as gated by calling markAsGated if the job is a gated job and all its dependencies have finished


This method checks if a job is ready to be dispatched. This method is called by the JobDispatcher to filter out jobs that should not get dispatched. This method is called after the transition method of the job has been called.

Default behavior

  • Check that the job is currently pending by calling isPending
  • Check that the job is not gated by calling isGated
  • Check that all dependencies of the job have finished by comparing the job’s dependencies with the finished_jobs field of the associated workflow

Swapping out states

In order to provide your own implementation of these states, you may use the Venture::useWorkflowState and Venture::useWorkflowJobState methods, respectively. You should call these methods in your application service provider’s boot method.

use App\WorkflowState;
use App\WorkflowJobState;
use Sassnowski\Venture\Venture;

 * Bootstrap any application services.
public function boot(): void

Workflow states get resolved out of Laravel’s container, so it’s possible to type hint any dependencies you might need in the constructor. All state model’s must take the Workflow or WorkflowJob as the first constructor parameter, respectively.

class CustomWorkflowState implements WorkflowState
    public function __construct(
        private Workflow $workflow,
        private OtherDependency $someOtherDependency,
    ) {

    /* ... */

class CustomWorkflowJobState implements WorkflowJobState
    public function __construct(
        private WorkflowJob $job,
        private OtherDependency $someOtherDependency,
    ) {

    /* ... */

Parameter names

Note that the first parameters must be called $workflow and $job, respectively, as they get injected by name.

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