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Keeping track of workflows

Venture allows you to keep track of the state of your workflows after starting them.


When you start a workflow, an instance of the workflow will be returned.

$workflow = PublishPodcastWorkflow::start($podcast);


A workflow is just a regular Eloquent model, so you can do all the things with it that you're used to from Eloquent.

A workflow instance exposes several methods to inspect and manipulate its current state.

// The date the workflow finished...

// The date the workflow was cancelled...

// A collection of WorkflowJob instances that have not been processed yet...

// A collection of WorkflowJob instances that have failed...

// Indicates if all jobs of the workflow have run successfully

// Indicates if the workflow has finished...

// Indicates if the workflow has been cancelled...

// Indicates if the workflow has been executed. This returns true if all
// jobs of the workflow have been processed, regardless of whether they
// failed or succeeded.

// Marks a workflow as finished. This sets the `finished_at` timestamp
// of the workflow.

// Cancels the workflow. This sets the `cancelled_at` timestamp of the
// workflow and prevents any new jobs from being processed.

Workflow jobs

You can access a workflow’s job via its jobs relationship.

// Returns a `HasMany<WorkflowJob>` relation

// Returns a `Collection<int, WorkflowJob>`

A WorkflowJob exposes the following methods to inspect and manipulate its state.

// Indicates if the workflow job is pending, i.e. is still waiting
// to get processed

// Indicates if the workflow job has been processed successfully

// Marks the job as finished. Venture calls this method after a job has been
// processed successfully.

// Indicates if the workflow job has failed. If true, the `exception` field
// of the job will contain the exception that caused the job to fail.

// Marks the job as failed. Venture calls this method if an exception occurred
// while processing a job.

// Indicates if the workflow job is currently being processed by a
// queue worker.

// Marks the job as processing. Venture calls this method after the job
// has been picked up by a queue worker.

// Indicates if a job is ready to be dispatched. By default, this is true if
// all of the job's dependencies have finished and the job is not marked as
// gated.

// Indicates if a job is waiting for manual approval.

// Transitions a job to the next state. Venture calls this method each time
// a job's dependency has finished.

// Manually starts a job. Will throw an exception if the job is already
// being processed.

// Retries the job after it has failed. Will throw an exception if the job
// has not failed.

Released under the MIT License.